Friday, April 20, 2018


Our weather the last few days has been BEAUTIFUL. The girls and I have been soaking up every minute we can outdoors. We have a few piles of snow that haven’t melted yet and Tynsleigh has been spending the majority or her time running between them eating the snow lol. I tried to discourage this at first because we have a dog — but y’all know toddlers and since we started potty training last week I’ve been picking my battles.

Tynsleigh has also been collecting things whenever she gets in her little tykes car. Maybe that’s a sign she’ll go junkin with her mama when she’s older?? Haha! Speaking of that car...I really need to paint it. Hopefully I’ll be able to do it during nap time next week.




Side note: why is it that a sassy toddler becomes 1000x’s sassier during potty training??! This whole experience has really given me a good insight into her personality and the teenage years to come!

We’ve done a few quick trips to town if we had to and our little potty has been toted everywhere lol. I needed a few items for dinner yesterday so I loaded up the girls in the afternoon to run to the grocery store. I asked Tynsleigh before we went in if she needed to go and I was told ‘no’ - no big surprise there because I’m told the same thing when she’s doing her little dance. I told her she would need to hold it til we left if she didn’t go now. Nope. She wasn’t going. We purchased our 7-8 items and as we were walking out of the store she started doing her dance. I was totally THAT mom running with a car seat, a big bag of groceries and a screaming toddler....and to add to the chaos I was talking over Tynsleigh’s screams telling her to “hold her pee.” Haha!! I’m sure that brought back memories for a few of the people we passed as we ran to the car! She made it though!! So we had to celebrate with a coffee (for me) and cake pop (for Tyns). I’m still not sure how we did that but oh, am I so grateful.

We have done a ton of walking. Tynsleigh and I used to walk every morning (except during winter) and it seems like Morgan enjoys being out as well. That’s a huge relief for this mama because I can’t stand being indoors when the weather is nice.

I had an awful dye job last fall - technically it was two - one bad dye job and another to fix it. The last few months I’ve been debating whether I should chop it off because it is so so damaged and ugly - I have a hard time getting the wet brush through it! I decided I would try some products to try to strengthen it and basically do no heat on it except for a couple times a month. I tried a new product tonight and as I was brushing my hair after my shower I realized that there were already less tangles and it was so much easier to brush through it. I’m sold!! I can’t wait to see what my hair looks like in a couple months! Now if only I can find someone to seriously fix this awful dye job...

This has been a crock pot week for us. Dirk requested lasagna for tonight and I threw all the ingredients in the crock pot lol. After he finished complaining and actually TRIED it, he raved about how good it was. It really was pretty good. I may never put it in a pan again! Morgan has turned into THE BEST little eater. She’s happy to eat whatever I give her now! Love that so much!!

Do you have any hair products I should try? Or crock pot recipes for me to try out next week?

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