As soon as I heard Tynsleigh waking up on the monitor, I went in to her room to pick her up. I love when she wakes up happy, stretching and singing to herself - this was one of those mornings. Typically I like to watch her on the monitor because it’s so stinkin cute but I’m really trying to instill good potty habits sooo....
She sat on the potty for a few minutes telling me all kinds of things I didn’t understand before she finally went. WHEW!! That was a relief that we were starting off so well!
I didn’t push fluids like I did on
day 1. She always has access to her water bottle during the day and gets milk twice a day. She loves fruit and vegetables so that is always part of her meals/snacks. Yesterday I sat her on the potty before and after meals - today I encouraged her to go potty before and after but didn’t fight her. I also watched her like a hawk still. She knew early on in day 1 what she was supposed to be doing but she didn’t always make the connection in time to get to the potty. I had done a lot of prompting on day 1 and I fully believe that’s why we ended the day so successful. It was also the two of us + Morgan on day 1. Today my husband was going to be around and I wasn’t quite sure if he was going to help or hurt the situation. Haha!
After breakfast, she said she didn’t need to potty and started playing. I told my husband to watch her and when she starts turning her knees in he needed to tell her to go potty (or put her on the potty). As I was vacuuming in the other room, I heard him start yelling and Tynsleigh crying. He was the first to admit that he had overreacted to her accident and the next few hours were a bit harder. Even when she made it in time, she still cried.
I got a good lunch in her and she played for awhile before she went down for a nap.
I sent this picture to my family when she wasn’t wanting to go after lunch. Girlfriend was holding it and dancing around but finally sat down and went. Although as you can see, she still had to play around!
She didn’t go right after she woke up (I figured that’s because she wet her sheets). We went on a semi long walk (no accidents!) and when we got back I told her she had to potty before we could play outside. This made her tear up some but she did go.
She played outside while we grilled steaks for dinner and then ate her fill of steak, chicken and peas. She saw Morgan liked the potato so she decided she would eat some as well lol. After dinner I told her it was time to sit on the potty and after a few minutes she pooped, no problem! Sorry, was that TMI???
I had a couple people ask on
Instagram what method I’m doing. In all honesty, I’m not sure what method it would be other than the QUICK AND DIRTY one. I am not doing any diapers or training pants - not even at nap and bedtime. My hope is that we will have two weeks of grossness and then relatively few accidents afterward. Also, I don’t set a timer. The first day I walked her to the potty and had her sit there if it had been an hour-ish and she hadn’t peed but that really just led to a lot of sitting in there and nothing happening (until right when we left the bathroom!). I have been surprised at how quickly Tynsleigh has caught on and I’m so proud of her for learning something new even though it’s scary.