Saturday, March 24, 2018

Tynsleigh | 21 month update

play mat: Camp Castle 
Tynsleigh, you seem to gain new words each week. You are a pro at repeating simple words back to me but just recently you have been able to use words in the correct context. The word ‘no’ is used to the fullest extent around our house.
Tynsleigh, do you want to eat?
Are you stinky?
It’s time for bed. 
You’ve also started giving some pretty dirty looks to people when you don’t like something but don’t have the words to say so. As funny as it is, your mama also finds it a bit embarrassing!

You have an obsession with diapers, little girlfriend, and every baby doll and animal wears a diaper in our house at this moment lol. On days you’re not interested in taking a nap, you jump and sing in your crib. Today you did both of those things and somehow pulled your diaper off without taking your clothes off. I really wasn’t sure if I should laugh or scold you - so I stuck you in the bath (you’re favorite) and tried to figure out how to not make this incident a habit (I have no idea!).

You continue to be a great eater. For the most part, I can give you whatever we’re eating and you’re happy with it. The only thing you tend to refuse is potatoes- doesn’t matter how they’re cooked. The other morning I was getting ready and walked out to the living room to see you leaning over Morgan in the bouncer. You are typically close by Morgan but this was the first time you’ve tried feeding her some of your food. Which, I admit, is adorable but also a little scary since she’s not on solids yet!

Weight 26.2 lbs
Height 34 inches
Head circumference 

You are the sweetest big sister. You are happy 97% of the time. You understand SO MUCH and it blows my mind. I miss the days of you being a baby but watching you grow into your own little person is so much fun! I love you big, girlfriend.

21 month photo dump

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