Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Morgan | 6 month update

My sweet have changed so much in the past month! You continue to gain well and I wouldn’t be surprised if your growth curve is still trending up. You have started to develop rolls on your legs and ohmahgosh I could just eat you up. Baby rolls = LIFE little girlfriend. You smile big at your sister and love when she comes over to play with you. You (FINALLY!!) tolerate your car seat for an hour or so in the mornings while we run some errands and you still love to be snug in the baby wrap. You are losing your hair. The brown hairs are falling out and blonde stubble can be seen underneath, just like Tynsleigh when she was your age. I really want to buzz it so you don’t look like an old man but I’m not sure you would sit still for me.

You are still snacking ALL THE TIME. I thought for sure you would become less of a grazer as you got older but nope - you nurse for a couple minutes and then pull off and smile your adorable gummy smile at me while milk runs down my side. Getting you to finish your business is nearly impossible...and this is probably the major reason why you are up all hours of the night to eat.

You started solids this month and after you got over the texture change, you realized that you absolutely LOVE it.

March 3, 2018. First taste of solids.

March 26, 2018. Ready for more chili!

 Tynsleigh loves helping feed you too lol.

The only way you sleep is curled up next to your mama. I have been making an effort to get out of the house in the morning around when you would take a morning nap and as long as I drive around I can usually count on a solid 45 minute nap. I haven’t decided if this is the new norm or if you’re about to throw me for a major curve ball when I least expect it. There have been a few random times where you have fussed yourself to sleep in the swing for 10-15 minutes but that is not the norm. Since you’re so social throughout the day, you typically wake up every 2-3 hours at night needing to eat. We are still co- sleeping for this reason. Buuut, you will sleep a good 12-13 hours at night and you don’t wake until I start moving in the morning. That’s a total win in my book!

Smiling, cooing, kicking, grabbing, rolling (sometimes!) have become more coordinated and controlled in your movements. You don’t seem to have a favorite toy yet and have been happy to chew on/play with what you’re given. You love to be given sugars but aren’t quite sure about peek-a-boo yet. 

I sure love watching you grow into your own little person. Happy 6 months, sweet girl!

6 month photo dump

1 comment:

  1. Ah I love this age when they are becoming more child like and losing the newborn baby phase. Thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x


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