Saturday, March 31, 2018

Photo Every Hour | 3/31/2018

I took a TON of pictures today. Actually, we were pretty active today compared to most saturdays this winter- PLUS, my mom was in town for the weekend and that usually results in more pictures and fun for the girls. Here’s a picture recap of every hour:


Everyone slept in this morning:) well, sleeping in for Morgan is waking up at 5:30am and nursing/dozing for the next several hours. Hey, I’ll take what I can get!


This picture —- kinda love it, kinda scares me about what I’m in for! I love that my mom was able to capture how our mornings typically start out.


We brunched at my favorite restaurant in town. And colored. We don’t tend to eat out with the girls much because 1) there aren’t many family friendly restaurants to eat at and 2) I always worry Tynsleigh is going to go from sweet and adorable to “lost her mind crazy” in the blink of an eye. We’ve brunched two Saturdays in a row though and so far so good.


We stopped by Toys R Us after we ate because my mom has been dying to get the girls a water table to have for this summer - it sure seems far away when the days high is 20 and it’s snowing! We bought this one - my dad (Gramps) is a big fisherman :) I made the leap and purchased a potty and a swing for outside. I didn’t take pics of the shopping trip!


I mixed up sugar cookies - these are light and pillowy, and SO delicious! Seriously, the best I’ve ever had!


While the cookies cooled, Morgan took a nap and woke up all smiles. Such a happy baby!


Tynsleigh helped mix up the icing with me. My mom really wanted her to help ice the cookies so I put her in charge. As y’all can guess....


There was a whole lot more icing consumed than what made it on her sugar cookies! They had fun though. I know my mom loves being a part of things like this and I’m so thankful she’s always willing to make the trip to come visit.


Gigi is so much fun! The girls loved singing and dancing this afternoon. So many giggles!

Oops. I guess I missed the dinner hour.

Playing with bubbles, swimming in the tub and squirting each other with rubber duckies.

Ahh here I was thinking I had done  GOOD with pictures this evening.


Prepping for Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats in the crockpot. Tynsleigh is going to be smiling huge in the morning!

Hope y’all had a happy Easter!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spring Bucket List

We are going stir crazy in this house of ours. Is it summer yet?? Or maybe just spring? It snowed yesterday and it should continue for the next few days. Our ground has started to warm up and the old snow has slowly been melting so it shouldn’t stick around long. Thankfully! I always look forward to the long days of summer and being outside most of the day. This year is no exception!

I searched the internet and Facebook today for things to do to get us through the next couple months and decided I should write them down and declare it to the world or else we’ll piddle around like we always do and I’ll look back wondering where time went.

Start a garden:
Sooo...we have actually already started our garden. There are a few herbs that I started from seed a couple weeks ago - lavender, rosemary and basil. Basil has already germinated and I’m going to need to separate the seedlings here pretty soon. The idea is to let Tynsleigh have some of them in her fairy garden. We’ll see how well that goes this summer lol. I will purchase mature succulents and tomato plants closer to the end of May and will plant sweet peas in the front yard.

Dye eggs and decorate cookies:
My mom will be up here for Easter weekend so the girls will definitely have a chance to make a few messes with their GiGi.

Picnic at the park:
I can’t wait to do this! I’m sure Tyns won’t sit still long enough to eat something at the park lol but it’s going to be a great experience for her.

Finger painting:
I don’t bring this out very often because of the mess that it makes but it’s always a hit when I do! So on the rainy, cool day at the end of spring this will be perfect.

Splash in puddles:
Because what kid doesn’t enjoy doing this??? And because it makes for adorable pictures:)

Tynsleigh is at such a fun age. She still loves cruising in the stroller but now when she sees a park she points and says “please” wanting to go play at the park. As soon as the snow melts from the swing set, I plan on doing a lot of walking with the girls and letting Tyns play at the park.

Day trip to the mountains:
I love going to Waterton before it gets too busy with tourists. The girls won’t be able to hike but we can still do a couple of the shorter loops carrying them and drive around looking for wildlife.

Trampoline park:
We have spent quite a bit of time here this winter! Tynsleigh LOVES being able to jump and dance during toddler jump time during the week so I imagine we will be visiting a couple more times this spring!

This list isn’t all-inclusive. I’m excited to see what else we are able to add to it so we can get out and start enjoying the change of season! Anything on your list that you’re excited to do?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Morgan | 6 month update

My sweet have changed so much in the past month! You continue to gain well and I wouldn’t be surprised if your growth curve is still trending up. You have started to develop rolls on your legs and ohmahgosh I could just eat you up. Baby rolls = LIFE little girlfriend. You smile big at your sister and love when she comes over to play with you. You (FINALLY!!) tolerate your car seat for an hour or so in the mornings while we run some errands and you still love to be snug in the baby wrap. You are losing your hair. The brown hairs are falling out and blonde stubble can be seen underneath, just like Tynsleigh when she was your age. I really want to buzz it so you don’t look like an old man but I’m not sure you would sit still for me.

You are still snacking ALL THE TIME. I thought for sure you would become less of a grazer as you got older but nope - you nurse for a couple minutes and then pull off and smile your adorable gummy smile at me while milk runs down my side. Getting you to finish your business is nearly impossible...and this is probably the major reason why you are up all hours of the night to eat.

You started solids this month and after you got over the texture change, you realized that you absolutely LOVE it.

March 3, 2018. First taste of solids.

March 26, 2018. Ready for more chili!

 Tynsleigh loves helping feed you too lol.

The only way you sleep is curled up next to your mama. I have been making an effort to get out of the house in the morning around when you would take a morning nap and as long as I drive around I can usually count on a solid 45 minute nap. I haven’t decided if this is the new norm or if you’re about to throw me for a major curve ball when I least expect it. There have been a few random times where you have fussed yourself to sleep in the swing for 10-15 minutes but that is not the norm. Since you’re so social throughout the day, you typically wake up every 2-3 hours at night needing to eat. We are still co- sleeping for this reason. Buuut, you will sleep a good 12-13 hours at night and you don’t wake until I start moving in the morning. That’s a total win in my book!

Smiling, cooing, kicking, grabbing, rolling (sometimes!) have become more coordinated and controlled in your movements. You don’t seem to have a favorite toy yet and have been happy to chew on/play with what you’re given. You love to be given sugars but aren’t quite sure about peek-a-boo yet. 

I sure love watching you grow into your own little person. Happy 6 months, sweet girl!

6 month photo dump

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

the great POTTY debate

Oh my goodness, I’ve done some major eye rolling these past few months about Tynsleigh taking her clothes off whenever she can but these past three days during nap time have been testing this mama’s patience. My little girlfriend jumps around playing in the crib, strips off her clothes and then removes the diaper. It’s the removal of the diaper that’s driving me wild because she then proceeds to GO all. over. her. bed.

This pic is from day 2 when she somehow slipped the diaper off but her clothes were on. Magician, I tell y’all.

I didn’t plan to even buy a potty until she was close to 2.5 and I knew she was interested in it and ready to be trained. But if she can’t keep her diaper on we may approach the subject earlier than planned. Sooo the great potty debate has begun in our house. Is she ready? Are WE ready? How do you know a child is developmentally ready? What’s the best approach? When did kids “in the olden days” get potty trained? <—- haha! Dirk’s question.

I’ve done limited research on the subject and ordered a book from Amazon last night in desperation called Oh Crap! Potty Training. Hopefully it’s as good as the reviews claim and I can get my husband to read at least parts of it! I won’t hold my breath on that one though.

Physical signs your child may be ready to potty train:
  • able to walk/run steadily 
  • able to pull pants up and down
  • stays dry for a couple hours at a time
  • refuses to be in a diaper 
  • aware of being dirty
Okay....I can answer “yes” to the majority of these.....but didn’t I just bring her home from the hospital yesterday?? It sure feels like it!

She has been following me to the bathroom since forever and the last few weeks has been very interested in what I’m doing. I’m just not sure I’m ready for the mess that comes along with potty training and diapers sure are easy. What am I thinking though - this really shouldn’t be about me. Anyone else get sucked into doing what’s easy because the new thing seems so scary? And cleaning up the mess after nap time the past few days can’t be any worse than her having accidents!

To answer my husbands question, the majority of kids were supposedly potty trained by 18 months up until the 1950’s. Disposable diapers became commonplace around that time so that makes perfect sense that there was a cultural shift.

It seems like there are a few methods for doing this. I think I’m more a fan of the 3-day method. In my mind, the all or nothing concept seems like it would create less confusion for the child. I don’t like the idea of a bare bum on my floor though (because poop) so I’m wondering if panties and a snug t-shirt would work. This is something I’ll need to research more into.

I really thought writing my thoughts out would make me realize it was too soon but it has definitely done the opposite. I guess it’s time for more research, to purchase a potty and to figure out how we’re going to do this thing. Until we bite the bullet and get on with things, I guess I’ll be disinfecting the crib (and child) every day after nap time!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Tynsleigh | 21 month update

play mat: Camp Castle 
Tynsleigh, you seem to gain new words each week. You are a pro at repeating simple words back to me but just recently you have been able to use words in the correct context. The word ‘no’ is used to the fullest extent around our house.
Tynsleigh, do you want to eat?
Are you stinky?
It’s time for bed. 
You’ve also started giving some pretty dirty looks to people when you don’t like something but don’t have the words to say so. As funny as it is, your mama also finds it a bit embarrassing!

You have an obsession with diapers, little girlfriend, and every baby doll and animal wears a diaper in our house at this moment lol. On days you’re not interested in taking a nap, you jump and sing in your crib. Today you did both of those things and somehow pulled your diaper off without taking your clothes off. I really wasn’t sure if I should laugh or scold you - so I stuck you in the bath (you’re favorite) and tried to figure out how to not make this incident a habit (I have no idea!).

You continue to be a great eater. For the most part, I can give you whatever we’re eating and you’re happy with it. The only thing you tend to refuse is potatoes- doesn’t matter how they’re cooked. The other morning I was getting ready and walked out to the living room to see you leaning over Morgan in the bouncer. You are typically close by Morgan but this was the first time you’ve tried feeding her some of your food. Which, I admit, is adorable but also a little scary since she’s not on solids yet!

Weight 26.2 lbs
Height 34 inches
Head circumference 

You are the sweetest big sister. You are happy 97% of the time. You understand SO MUCH and it blows my mind. I miss the days of you being a baby but watching you grow into your own little person is so much fun! I love you big, girlfriend.

21 month photo dump

Hi, I’m Mandi! I’m a wife, mama to two girls as well as a boy in heaven, and a former teacher. I’ve been looking for a place to document our lives and this little piece of internet seems to be the perfect place for me to record memories!

a new chapter

  i have been loving writing about our life on here the last couple months but I really feel the pull to inspire and motivate ot...