Sunday, May 13, 2018

a new chapter


i have been loving writing about our life on here the last couple months but I really feel the pull to inspire and motivate others. A few changes are coming but I would love for y’all to grow along with me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tynsleigh | birth story

My pregnancy with Tynsleigh was pretty good - a little bit of nausea at the beginning but nothing out of the ordinary. I was monitored closely though after I lost Barrett at 20 weeks. At my 36 week appointment I told my doctor that I had been having some pretty good contractions the last few days but they were all over the place. After checking my cervix (I was sitting at 3-4 eeeek,), she told me to book my appointment for the next week but she expected the baby to be here before then.

Babies are so unpredictable and they sure only come when they’re ready.

I was still pregnant at my next weeks appointment, still sitting at 3-4 cm, and had desperately begun to google “how to go into labor.” =) You name it and I was doing it to try and get this baby out lol. My doctor told me to relax because she would be here before I knew it. So much easier said than done! Feeling discouraged and hyper emotional  (oh, those crazy pregnancy hormones!),  I went home and took the dogs for a walk. The evening carried on like normal but in the middle of the night I woke up with some cramping. After I used the restroom I realized I had a light blood flow so we headed in to the hospital around 7am. My doctor had been on call that night and after 30 minutes of fetal monitoring she decided to induce me. She said the baby looked good but we were going to play it safe. I was so thankful for those words!

Induced at 8:32. I was allowed to walk around after the suppository was given so my husband and I walked the hospital for 45 minutes before I had to report back. I was checked by the nurse (no progression) and encouraged to go stand in the shower. I wasn’t the least bit interested in that but I was game for a nap. I remember waking up during a contraction and telling my husband he should go tell a nurse. I was checked again and told things were just beginning to progress and the contractions would get worse - did I change my mind about pain meds?? Ha! Nope. 

I dozed off between contractions for a little while longer until I was basically just working through them. Then the nausea hit. My husband was instructed to get a nurse because surely I must be getting close? Nope. 7 cm. Anti-vomit pill was given and that sucker sure worked wonders. I worked through a few more contractions and then told dirk to go get a nurse because I felt the urge to push. I can only imagine the eye rolls from the nurses station at this point! Haha! 

My intuition was correct though. I was almost at a 10 and the nurse told me to start walking down the hall to the delivery room but to not go too quickly because the room wasn’t set up and the doctor was in surgery. I don’t know if any of y’all have ever had to walk when you are quite literally about to pop out a aren’t going anywhere too quickly! I made it down the hall and onto the bed. The nurse instructed me through the 20 minutes of pushing and my doctor quite literally walked in right in time to catch the baby.

Tynsleigh Grace 
Born at 1:17pm
7 lbs, 4 oz  
20.3 inches long

I tell y’ have that sweet baby placed on my chest was the most amazing feeling. FINALLY. I was a mama and I was meeting my sweet baby girl for the first time. So, so incredibly thankful God chose me to be her mama.








 Tynsleigh had a ton of mucus in her airway but not enough to where they wanted to suction her. I did skin to skin to try and encourage her to latch but she was never interested. Breastfeeding Tynsleigh is a post for a whole different day though ;)

After a two day stay in the hospital, we headed home with our sweet miracle baby.

Monday, May 7, 2018

how I’m wearing turquoise booties

| dress (old) similar and similar | Liberty Black booties |

| black pocket t | jeans |

I enjoy making a statement and these turquoise boots are the perfect way to do that. The appliqué detailing is ADORABLE and they fit true to size. They’re the perfect finish to any outfit - whether it’s running errands in town, a much needed girls night or a date night.

I love wearing them with shorts and a sweater  this time of year, and they take a plain, fitted t up a notch. Don’t y’all think?? Let me know in the comments!

xoxo, Mandi

Sunday, May 6, 2018


| fleece | crop pants (old) similar | tank (old) similar | running shoes

I started running again this week. It’s my first time since I had Morgan. I was going to take the girls at first but I have really been needing some alone/down time away from them - because #teamnosleep and #teethingstinks. It’s been ahhhmazing!! I mean, I’ve almost died each day but it’s been so nice to get outside, be by myself for a little bit and get back to running.

I’ve been complaining for the last few months that my clothes either don’t fit or don’t fit well. My husband typically travels every other week for work and that has made it difficult for me to work out consistently on my own, where I don’t have to bring the girls to a gym or the gym daycare. I have done Beach Body videos but I typically have a toddler trying to hang on me, a baby fussing and a dog who thinks it’s a game to attack my feet as I try to follow the set in the video. Ahhhhh! I’m really not complaining. I realize this is just the stage of life I’m in and I will be missing it one day soon.

Back to the clothes not fitting part though. We have several weddings back down in Nebraska and Kansas this summer, and I would like to feel more comfortable in this new body of mine before then. I cut out the majority of processed foods from our diet a couple weeks ago and have thought about cutting out sugar (not the natural kind!). I am still breastfeeding Morgan and have tried cutting my calories in the past but I just end up with a migraine and a fussy baby who insists on eating more frequently. My hope is that running will tighten and tone all the areas, increase my self confidence and give me the alone time I have been needing =)

What is your fitness routine? I’m always looking for new ideas!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Sugar detox

Today is day 1 of my sugar detox and oh my goodness, not reaching for cookies or some other dessert after lunch was so rough. Pretty sure I text my sister telling her I really needed my afternoon fix!

Some background on why I’m doing this: I have a HUGE sweet tooth. It’s ridiculous. Typically I keep it in check and treat myself to something small a couple times a week. I realized last night as I was scarfing down a blizzard from Dairy Queen that my sugar addiction was out of control and I needed to do something about it. Sooo...I’m cutting all desserts out of my diet for the next seven days. I’m not cutting fruit out. I figure that’s natural and is fine to keep in there. I am also not doing the whole 30 - I’m just looking to make a lifestyle change that makes sense for my life.

While I was craving a cookie this afternoon, yI reached for a few strawberries. This evening was so tough though because I was semi bored after dinner and dirk was eating ice cream...I stayed strong though! I sure hope I can keep up the running AND no desserts!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Morgan | 7 month update




It’s crazy how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was snapping 738 pictures of you at 6 months just to get 1 of you looking and smiling at the camera. 

It’s mostly been us girls the last month and that always makes things more hectic. We always smile and make the best of it though, don’t we?? You continue to be the sweetest, smiliest little babe. You love being right in the center of what’s going on and are always watching your sister to see what she’s up to. You have been putting your arms on the floor to help steady yourself whenever I sit you up and you are soooo close to sitting on your own. You have also been kicking your legs and pushing your bum up in the air when you are laying on your belly - it sure looks like you are trying to figure out how to GO. 

You are THE BEST little eater. I made Greek food last week and didn’t expect you to be all that excited about it but you absolutely loved it. Tsaziki and all!! You tried peanut butter (in oatmeal) for the first time this month. I can’t tell if you’re going to love it as much as Tynsleigh and I but you sure didn’t seem to mind it. You have also been eating quite a few smoothies with Tyns and I. You haven’t figured out the straw so I spoon some in your mouth. You did finally figure out the sippy cup a few days ago and you think it’s pretty cool - although if I don’t pay close attention, you will take a drink, spit water out and then squeal with delight as is runs down your chest. 

Your morning nap has been AMAZING. You go down for 2-3 hours in your dockatot. Your afternoon nap and bedtime hasn’t been as good. You nurse to sleep but don’t let me put you down. Sometimes I could really use a bit of a break but I try to remind myself how much I’m going to miss this. And I will, little girlfriend...oh, I so will. I’m going to start transitioning you into a crib next week. My goal is to have you and Tynsleigh sharing a room by the beginning of June. It’s going to be quite the adjustment for everyone but I’m pretty sure y’all are going to love it.

You play with the same toys as last month and bounce in the same jumper. You have been interacting more with Tynsleigh when she plays and it is the cutest thing. The other night you were playing with a block on the living room floor and tyns was a couple feet away from you reading books. You looked at her and started squawking until she brought her books over by you. I wish I had a picture of it - it’s one of those moments that I stand still and try to blend in so that I am able to take it all in and not disturb y’all. She started reading to you and then went and got a blanket and stuffed animal for you. When she tucked you in, gave you sugars and told you “night, night,” you squealed with laughter, which made her start doing it over and over.  My heart grew about 100 times in size watching y’all that evening.
You have started making all kinds of noises with your mouth and this will sometimes keep you entertained for a good 30 minutes. It always makes me laugh to hear you squealing with delight at yourself!

We love you so much Morgan and are so thankful to have you!

a new chapter

  i have been loving writing about our life on here the last couple months but I really feel the pull to inspire and motivate ot...